Question:  What is the point of living if we are going to die and not remember anything?

As somebody once said, the only thing you can do about birth, and death, is to enjoy the interval in between them.

I was taught that the point of living is to leave the world, at the end of my life, a little bit better than I found it. That’s a good goal, and a noble one.

I’ve also been told that the purpose of a good life is to help make other lives better.

Can you make somebody smile today?



Your comments Daniel are easily understood, as in early life, the “normal” and undamaged mind, sees the world and its actions and behaviour; and almost all say to themselves; surly there is no God!?

However, within a short time, well before mid-teens, almost everybody is thinking; how, and why does that work; why do humans think, whereas animals seem to behave on instinct. Then came DNA etc.; and the question is “evolve” or by “design”?  Then Einstein says; “nothing comes from nothing”; the list goes on ad-infinite!

College then teaches us that humans do not breed on a “linear scale”; but “geometrically”; which then tells us that the world cannot cope beyond 2050–70, without a higher death rate, and a lower birth rate, and that even with the present population, we need a GDP of approx. 3% worldwide; which the world cannot supply, as all recourses are depleting at a terminal rate!

Then one sees that according to man’s Government, there is a wonderful future; “so long as you vote for me/us”, and not them (and they seem to believe it)!

Then suddenly there are earthquakes and wars and “rumours” of wars; with the threat of even world destructing weapons, which some seem to think will solve all the problems for a few Megalomaniac people; “because it will get rid of so many people”.

Then one is reminded of a few sincerely motivated people, who have been talking of a “Plan of Salvation” by An “Almighty God”; who CARES for the human race; but has to outmanoeuvre a Rebel Created Being called Satan, whose plan and purpose is to create sufficient confusion, that people will not want to believe “God’s Plan”; because it is too simple, childish, and Bloodthirsty!

They fail to see the LOVE of ALMIGHTY GOD in the simplicity; but; it can, and must be accepted in childlike “faith”; and will result in “Eternal Life”!!

I know which I prefer; even as a reasonably educated person; “ETERNAL LIFE WITH CHRIST JESUS MESSIAH”!

Israel is the “signpost” for the world; when they are about to be totally destroyed; then The Messiah Christ Jesus will return, and will save them!

With the events in play at present; that may not be too long in coming to fruition!



Anti-Christ and Jesus  (Study) 

"Christ is the Wisdom of God"  (Study) 

Christ Jesus' Action, when He Returns!  (Study) 

END OF THE AGE; see Matt. 24!  (Study) 

Jesus and Satan!  (Study)    



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